The Silencing of Your Testimony
There is nothing the devil wants more than to hush the testimony of trials-turned-triumphs that point to the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ.

That is one of the highlights that I heard from Lysa TerKeurst at my church’s woman’s conference this past weekend.
Let me just tell you her testimony is absolutely amazing. And, you know what? Our testimony does not stop at the point where we were saved. It is our continuation of sanctification and I’m going trials of life that continuously point people to Jesus.
Something seriously stirred within me. Throughout my life there have been many times where I was afraid of talking about my life. The shames of my past. The mistakes that I’ve made.
The times where I’ve thought to myself,
“They don’t need to hear that.”
“I’m still struggling with it so I shouldn’t bring it up.”
“I can never speak the right words!”
“I don’t even know what to say, my brain is mush!”
And of course the famous,
“What will they think of me after this? Probably badly.”
The Bible says take every thought captive. These thoughts are certainly not from God. They are flesh-seeking and from the devil himself. (2 Cor. 10:5)
How will people know the grace of God if I don’t share my imperfections and how God has redeemed me anyway? How do I show God is strong if I don’t show my weaknesses, too? (1 Cor. 1:27)
Each one of us have a unique testimony even if it doesn’t seem so unique. Even if it doesn’t seem miraculous. Even if it seems ordinary. Even if it’s really hard and really ugly and really messy. The good news is the Gospel - and your testimony is the gift that God gave us to share to other like a light on a hill.
No I’m not saying everybody needs to go right now and open a blog. Or go write a book. But you know within you what that’s stirring is. The Holy Spirit will prompt us and we need to prayerfully listen and act.
My prayer is that I never miss the opportunity to act on those prompts that come up in a conversation. And, terrifyingly, I will pray for more opportunities to do so. Not by my power...but God’s spirit within me.
Do you have your story to share? I would love to feature it!