It's Not Easy...It's Worth It!
I am not here to tell you that it is going to be easy. I am here to tell you that it is going to be worth it. We have the privilege of watching our children grow, shape, and mature into the one that God wants them to become.
As I observe and become refreshed by the welcomed change in the weather, I am reflective about the natural maturing of our own children. As their character forms and affinities become their own (whether we prefer it or not...and we must believe God will use it for His glory), it is not a definition of good or bad. It is necessary. And we get a front row seat to watch them blossom.
What an honor! What a blessing! What a gift!
It's important to reflect and glean on the blessings of motherhood and home education so that we do not become afraid of our inadequacies. No one ever decides to homeschool because we have "arrived" at a level of patience/knowledge/character beyond a certain tier. We homeschool because we believe in it as what is best for our children. And what is best is not always be easy. But it will always be worth it.