Sink or Swim

Have you ever been caught in a riptide? Or caught along into wave upon wave in the ocean?
If you have, you probably remember the seconds where you felt completely helpless. Like any fighting you did just made it worse. Maybe you tried swimming without any luck back toward the shore eventually becoming exhausted. The more you swam, the more you seemed to get pushed out. The more you got pushed out, the more the waves crashed over you and you became exhausted.
Life is a little like that sometimes, don't you think? The trials come wave upon wave and we seem to have some choices. We can swim against them in our own limited power and strength. We swim and swim and swim and eventually get exhausted. Or, we can choose to trust in our Almighty, All-Powerful, All-Sufficient Lord Jesus. Our Savior indeed.
James 1:5-8 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask God who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with not doubting for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and toss by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double minded man unstable in all his ways.”
Amidst the trials we get tossed around by, are we asking the Lord in faith? Are we completely turning our lives over to His perfect will for us?
These things we are guilty of when we pray:
We pray, without hope, knowing this situation might be too big or unrealistic to be cured of or delivered from. (Abraham and Sarah, anyone?)We pray, without love, avoiding certain prayers because we know God is sovereign but we don’t really want them to be answered (Jonah, anyone?)
In closing, have you even noticed that two amazing Christian’s can go through the same/similar trial yet one becomes more exhausted and crushed than the other? No judgement, as we cannot judge a heart, but this is a key: Are we trying to do things in our own power, becoming exhausted and burned out, and then look up? Let us REMAIN in Him from the beginning my sisters. Start here. Start now. Stop swimming and just let him guide to you His solid rock with your name on it.
Dive in the word, and pray in total faith in our Deliverer.